Do-it-yourself (DIY) Natural Personal Care (Chemical-free, Non-toxic, Vegan!)

Wellness is determined by not just the food you consume. It’s also affected by what you put on your skin & what you surround yourself with. Did you know that the skin is the largest organ in the human body? It is a protective mechanism that is designed to guard us against external forces including harmful chemicals. However, it is also highly porous meaning it absorbs whatever you put on it quickly.

Several reputed studies have shown that the skin can absorb a significant amount of the chemicals used in commercial skincare and personal care products and it can, in fact, absorb 100% of whatever you put on your face, underarms, and genitalia. What does that mean? All those synthetic chemicals you apply externally are also ending up deep inside your body and what is not getting eliminated is getting accumulated. This can potentially lead to what we call the "toxic build-up" - which according to one theory of medicine is the root cause of all diseases.

So, what you put on your skin is as important as what you put into your mouth. Would you consume any of the products you are currently using on your face or body? The next time you buy a cosmetic, just take a look at the list of ingredients and ask yourself if you know any of them and if they are good to be consumed. If they can't be consumed, why take the risk of putting them on your skin or hair? The question (and answer) to healthy, chemical-free, natural living is as simple as that.

If you'd like to take the first step towards Chemical-free, 100% natural personal care, and would like some help along, you can download and read my ebook on the topic. It provides a list of tried and tested recipes that will help you go chemical-free morning to night and get back in harmony with nature truly!

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